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I've been taking birth control pills for 2 years. I have always been taken them regularly but once I missed several days - and there you are: I got pregnant. I had to buy abortion pills via the Internet.

The 1st time I took Cytotec vaginally on the 4th week. All in accordance with the instruction; 4 pills each 12 hours - 3 times like this. Bleeding started the next day. There were pains as during my periods, maybe, heavier a little bit.

I was slightly worried but it turned out all right. US showed a positive result.

Anny, Texas

Hi! When I passed the pregnancy test, I and my boyfriend were awfully frightened: the test was positive. We ordered Cytotec by your site. We had to be nervous for 5 days, but the pills came on time.

I took them 3 times, as stated in the instruction. There was no effect on the 1st day - nothing at all. And on the 2nd day my monthlies started. Bleeding was heavier than usually. There was slight nausea - so I had to take Reglan. In a day the bleeding stopped.

Mary T., roanoke